Tuesday, May 26, 2020

People who brought revolution in Photoshop - Sabinn Roka

For most designers, Photoshop is not a strange tool, right? From UI to visual design, from interior design to post-processing, many places are still inseparable from Photoshop. From the beginning to the present, the combination of Photoshop and the entire digital design field is getting closer and closer. This combination shows no signs of slowing down at all. As users of Photoshop every day, we rarely really pay attention to the key designers behind this design artifact. In fact, their names will appear on the start page of the software, and every time we open Photoshop, we will see their names. It is with this curiosity and gratitude for this tool that I feel I have a responsibility to share the story of the 10 unknown heroes behind Photoshop, which they have created to make the designer survive Photoshop softwa

1.Thomas Knoll
Photoshop is the key software that shaped the field of modern digital design, and it was born in the hands of Thomas Knoll. Knoll originally wrote a tool for displaying gray-scale pictures out of the hobby, and then added more image editing function codes, and all this finally constituted the basic functional characteristics of this tool of Photoshop.
Thomas Knoll Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

Thomas Knoll

Until the CS4 era, he has led the entire Photoshop team, and now his energy is more invested in the Adobe Camera Raw plug-in, and this tool is more used to process the original image of the camera.
Knoll's legendary creation is an important presence in the entire history of digital design, and his own humility is also legendary. When NAPP (National Association of PS Professionals) invited him to join, he replied: "Why should I be invited to join? I did not make any special contribution, and the Photoshop software was originally written just for fun." It was his attitude that affected the Photoshop team behind him, and he gradually established an awesome team to create today's Photoshop software in a seamless collaboration.
Thomas Knoll is still active in the Photoshop team. It is very rare in the entire field for him to lead the team as a co-founder for continuous research and development. Until the CS4 era, he has led the entire Photoshop team, and now his energy is more invested in the Adobe Camera Raw plug-in, and this tool is more used to process the original image of the camera. His passion for Photoshop and digital image art is unparalleled.
2.John Knoll
Although most of the Photoshop versions do not have this name at the beginning of the splash screen except Photoshop 1.0.7 and 2.0.1, the identity of John Knoll as the co-founder of Photoshop will not change. In fact, John Knoll was the key person who persuaded Thomas Knoll to change Photoshop from a personal program to commercial software.
John knoll Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

John Knoll

The identity of John Knoll as the co-founder of Photoshop will not change.
At the time, John Knoll was amazed by the amazing degree of the software designed by Thomas. As a free software, it was comparable to the commercial software that was charged at 300 US dollars an hour. John saw the future of more affordable commercial photo editing tools, so he began to urge Thomas to develop more functions, even though Thomas was still trying to finish his doctorate. Later, when he collaborated with George Lucas's film company Industrial Light and Magic to develop visual effects, John also introduced some image processing tools, and they gradually evolved into filter functions in Photoshop.
3.Russell Preston Brown
Behind every successful software, most of them are inseparable from enthusiastic preachers. For Photoshop, its preacher is Russell Preston Brown. Like the Knoll brothers, he is also one of the pioneers of Photoshop software.
Russell Preston Brown Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

Russell Preston Brown

As the senior creative director of Adobe, Russell Brown is the most loyal user of Photoshop.
On the launch page of Photoshop 1.0.7, only four names are listed, including Thomas Knoll, John Knoll, Steve Guttman and Russell Brown. As the senior creative director of Adobe, Russell Brown is the most loyal user of Photoshop. He did his best to promote and spread this amazing design software. He has been unremittingly demonstrating the potential of Photoshop at large events such as the Mac Summit and sharing tips and tutorials on his own website. If you have ever seen his sharing and display, you will clearly feel his crazy passion for Photoshop!
4.Seetharaman Narayanan
Although Seetharaman Narayanan is now retired, and he lives and enjoys life on a tropical island, he is still working for Adobe. His name usually appears after Thomas Knoll, the number one on the splash screen. If you get stuck when Photoshop opens and loads, you will quickly notice his name.
Seetharaman Narayanan Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

Seetharaman Narayanan

The number one on the splash screen. If you get stuck when Photoshop opens and loads, you will quickly notice his name.
He deserves this honor because Seetharaman Narayanan made Photoshop for Windows possible, and it was then he who let Photoshop support multithreading. Now he is still the name of an Adobe Photoshop engineer, and he has also ported Adobe Lightroom to Windows. Although he is not the most influential person in the entire team, sometimes you must admit that people with longer names are indeed more likely to attract others' attention.

5.Russell Williams
Russell Williams joined the team after Photoshop 4.0, when he was surprised that the software team was so small and lightweight. Then he quickly realized how smart this team structure was, and then quickly adapted and excelled at this kind of work. They have a clear direction of development, which also makes Russell think that the team will soon output what almost all developers want.
Russell Williams Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

Russell Williams

Deciding where Photoshop will go in the future is his the most important job.
Generally speaking, Russell and other leading scientists in the team, such as Seetharaman Narayanan, will decide the future direction of Photoshop. This is also Russell's most important job. Deciding where Photoshop will go in the future is his most important job, and Russell’s recent work on image forensics has made it easier and clearer to find forged picture evidence by criminals.

6.Jeff Chien
If you have ever used a repair tool to remove wrinkles and blemishes in your photos, then you have to thank Jeff Chien. He is one of the leading scientists in the Adobe team, and it is he who helped the development team achieve this effect to deceive the eyes of users.In fact, the way to achieve this effect is very complicated. Nonetheless, when he solved this problem, he didn't even know what RGB was!
jeff chien Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

Jeff Chien

He is one of the leading scientists in the Adobe team, and it is he who helped the development team achieve this effect to deceive the eyes of users..
Another important function of Jeff Chien is to inspire young computer scientists in developing countries. He experienced a childhood without Gameboy and grew up in poor material conditions. During his learning and growing up, he once had the opportunity to use a mainframe computer, but most of the time he could touch it was very short. Even in this limited environment, he spent a lot of time studying, and has a very rich accumulation in mathematics, which is why he was given the opportunity to work at Apple and Adobe.

7.Maria Yap
Before the birth of Photoshop, Maria Yap had undergone professional photography training and conducted design research. Therefore, she appreciates Photoshop very much because it can help designers and photographers save a lot of work. After several years of brutal industry training ( For being a freelancer), Maria finally joined the Adobe team and contributed her professional knowledge.
Maria Yap Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

Maria Yap

Maria leads a whole group of product managers and developers to develop the most innovative design tools, such as Adobe Revel
She now leads a whole group of product managers and developers to develop the most innovative design tools, such as Adobe Revel. Maria voluntarily served as a judge for the Adobe Youth Voices Aspire Awards, largely due to the great inspiration that this activity can inspire. Obviously, most of her life is about Photoshop, design and family.

8.Sarah Kong
Have you heard of ImageReady? If you have heard it, then you should be as old as I am. At that time, we designed the picture in Photoshop, and then optimized the picture for the web end in ImageReady!
Sarah Kong Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

Sarah Kong

Revolutionary character at Adobe Inc.
The conversion button in this tool is Sarah Kong's initiative, and she is also involved in many very useful automation plug-ins, including the picture package function and Web picture library. Sarah thought Photoshop was good enough in the past, and continuing to move forward will make teamwork design possible, but now it does.She also predicted that in this world driven by social media, Photoshop will gradually integrate more powerful community features, such as the ability to share filter profiles directly with friends.

9.Bryan O'Neil Hughes
A person not only needs courage and determination, but also a bit of luck in order to succeed in life! And Bryan O'Neil Hughes is a clear proof of this sentence. He joined the Photoshop team in 1999 and the position is Quality Engineer. One of his work at that time was to make every effort to find the limits of Photoshop software through intensive testing. However, you must feel his other major contribution: the liquefaction function is from Bryan.
Sarah Kong Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

Bryan O'Neil Hughes

On the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Photoshop, he conducted a survey with members of NAPP and found problems with good new features and potential problems in the user interface.
Bryan cares about users very much. On the 20th anniversary of the establishment of Photoshop, he conducted a survey with members of NAPP and found problems with good new features and potential problems in the user interface. Based on these data, they improved Photoshop CS5 and then launched the most stable and influential version.

10.John Nack
Within the Photoshop team, John Nack has the title of "Kitten King" because he is a real "PS composer". As a senior product manager of Adobe Photoshop, he not only led the development of Photoshop itself, but also promoted the development of important core functions such as Adobe Bridge, Adobe Camera Raw, smart objects, and shape tools.
JohnNack Images - wwww.sabinrokka.com.np

John Nack

As a senior product manager of Adobe Photoshop, he not only led the development of Photoshop itself, but also promoted the development of important core functions such as Adobe Bridge, Adobe Camera Raw, smart objects, and shape tools.
In 2008, He won the NAPP award, which is one of the highest honors collected by the entire industry. Despite this, he still maintains a high degree of humility, and always maintains the update of the Adobe blog friendly, providing services for ordinary users. Obviously, humility is the core culture in the Photoshop team.


When I searched and understood the information of these people, I found that the most common....


When I searched and understood the information of these people, I found that the most common word in the interview was "teamwork." The most interesting thing is that in the vast majority of cases, respondents will habitually award honors to others on the team! I believe that this humble spirit of cooperation is the most important reason why the Photoshop team has just grown in the past 20 years.