Sunday, May 24, 2020

Understand Color In Photoshop and in Real Life.

understand Color
In Photoshop
And In
Real Life

Image Source :Internet

Some knowledge points about colors in some designs:

1.Color Modes
There are three color modes.RGB, HSB, and CMYK.
Click " " icon to expand details about color modes.
  • RGB Color Mode
    The color mode used by the display. RGB stands for the three channels of red, green, and blue. This standard includes almost all colors that human vision can perceive.
  • CMYK Color Mode
    The color mode used for printing. CMYK stands for cyan, magenta (magenta), yellow, and black. These four colors can usually be used to reproduce thousands of other colors in printing.
  • HSB Color Mode
    The HSB mode is based on the human visual cells, that is, the colors seen by the eyes. H stands for Hue, S is saturation (purity), and B is lightness.
Color appearance. Consists of primary colors, intermediate colors, and multiple colors.
3.Saturation (Purity)
The vividness of colors, also called the purity of colors. The higher the saturation, the brighter the color; the lower the saturation, the darker the color.
The lightness and darkness of the color. When the brightness of color reaches the highest value, it will become white and when the brightness reaches the lowest value, it will become black.
5.No Color
Black, White, Gray, Gold, Silver.
6.Primary Colors
"Basic colors" that cannot be obtained by mixing and blending other colors. Intermediate color: obtained by mixing primary colors. Compound color: It is obtained by mixing a primary color and intermediate color.
7.Commonly used complementary (contrast) colors
Red-green, Yellow-purple, Blue-orange
8. Basic color function division
Main color, auxiliary color, embellishment color, harmonic color (no color).
9.Color Feelings
  • Positive, vitality, passion, celebration (Chinese culture), life, bravery, auspiciousness, openness; danger, bloody, revolution, death, stimulation Applicable : festivals, entertainment, catering, sports, women's websites.
  • Bright, lively, brisk, cheerful, lively, toddler, happy, signal, noble (Chinese culture); noisy, cheap, naive, weak, pornographic, suspicion.Suitable for: children, pets, toys, food, fashion, entertainment
  • Sunshine, cheerful, warm, excited, active, relaxed, healthy; impulsive, sweet, unstable, dazzling.Applicable : holiday celebration, entertainment, catering, sports, e-commerce to guide consumption
  • Nature, vitality, safety, freshness, pastoral, spring, peace, youth, passage; countryside, army (natural protection color), decline (stock).Suitable :tourism, agriculture, household, health, tools
  • Ocean, Clear, quiet, cool, rational, rigorous, Business, fair; lonely, lonely, Sad, Cold, Melancholy.Applicable: enterprise companies, technology, IT electronics, industry, machinery, aviation, transportation, tourism, business
  • Noble, elegant, mysterious, gorgeous, dreamy, feminine, sacred, romantic; horror, too fashionable, unfriendly, cold  Applicable: female cosmetics, female-based e-commerce, music.
  • soft, sweet, feminine, sweet, cartoon, warm and tender, gentle; weak, superficial, impetuous, pretend
  • white snow, purity, nobility, overall cleanliness, simplicity, lightness, calmness, medical care; Cold, uninteresting, plain, sense of space, poverty, nothingness, oppression, death (In Chinese culture)
  • Solemn, serious, formal, advanced, power, mystery; death (Western culture), loneliness, silence, terror, violence, stress, gloom, disaster Applicable to: high-end brands, fashion conferences, games, photography.
  • white snow, purity, nobility, overall cleanliness, simplicity, lightness, calmness, medical care; Cold, uninteresting, plain, sense of space, poverty, nothingness, oppression, death (In Chinese culture)
  • Low brightness, Low-key, calm, Applicable: classical, European, coffee, tea, wheat, wood, agriculture, leather, texture .
  • subtle, quiet, stable, elegant, humble, moderate, elegant, artistic, low-key; conservative, boring, boring, ambiguous, irritable.
10.Warm Colors and Cold Colors
Red is warm.
Red, Orange and Yellow are warm colors.
Blue is Cold pole .
Blue, blue-purple, and blue-green are cool colors.
Green and purple are neutral colors.
Black is warm colors counted.
White is the cool color system.
11.Color Matching
Several commonly used shades: adjacent color collocation, interval color collocation, complementary color collocation.